About Us
The Washington State Perinatal Collaborative (WSPC) is a community of public and private organizations, agencies and individuals committed to maternal and child care.
Our Mission
Improving the care and outcomes for pregnant mothers, newborns and infants.
With the help of families and front line health care providers we aim to:
Produce better outcomes for babies and mothers
Provide better experiences for families when babies are born sick or prematurely
Perform better value for each health care dollar.
Our initiatives and projects will be based in quality improvement science.
The Washington State Perinatal Collaborative (WSPC) is a sub-committee of the statewide Perinatal Advisory Committee (PAC). The collaborative convened in 2008 by the PAC in response to the national and state rise in C-Section rates over the past ten years. The collaborative is seeking to understand the reason for rising C-Section rates and possible modifiable factors leading to this rise. The collaborative believes that the variation among hospitals in cesarean, VBAC, and induction rates are affecting maternal and infant health across the state of Washington. To address these variations the collaborative is engaging agencies, hospitals, organizations, and the community to encourage birthing hospitals to collaborate and address issues such as inductions, trial of labor, appropriate admissions, and accessibility to vaginal births after cesareans.
Contact Information
Bat-Sheva Stein, RN, MSN
Washington State Department of Health
Maternal and Infant Health
PO Box 47880
Olympia, WA 98504-7880
[email protected]
Washington State Hospital Association
Carol Wagner
Vice President, Patient Safety
(206) 577-1831
[email protected]
March of Dimes
Gina Legaz, MPH
Director of Program Services and Public Affairs
March of Dimes
1904 Third Avenue, Suite 230
Seattle, Washington 98101
Telephone (206) 624-1373
Fax (206) 292-8190
[email protected]
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