The National Association of Christian Churches (NACC) is a nonprofit 501 (c) (3) organization that was founded in 1992, by a group of pastors that wanted to provide pastors the tools in the everyday running of their churches. National Association of Christian Churches is not a church council but a church resource center.
In 2005 the organization became a disaster relief organization. In conjunction with national or local agencies, we will help fight poverty, help people in need in times of disasters.
In the event of a disaster, NACC will respond to local, national, and international disasters providing shelter management, mass feeding, mass care, points of distribution, spiritual counseling, cleanup, debris removal and rebuilds. We will partner with the affected communities for up to 2 years following a disaster. Our first disaster was in Puerto Rico for Hurricane George in which we operated a kitchen and were feeding 1,400 people a day and also helped families rebuild their homes. In 2005 Hurricane Katrina hit the gulf coast and our organization established a field office in Kenner Louisiana and helped thousands clean up after the hurricane and also rebuild their homes. In partnership with Operation Blessing we ran a kitchen feeding thousands twice a day. We also answered the call for hurricane Wilma in 2005 serving many in the state of Florida. NACC has touched the lives of our communities and has provided relief in Puerto Rico, Florida, Louisiana, Indiana, California, Oklahoma, Texas and Iowa and we will continue to go where the Lord takes us.
Board of Directors
The Board of Directors is responsible for the direction, oversight, and management of the organization. Directors convene four times a year for business meetings in which they target different issues. The Directors serve with no compensation.
Our Vision
Our Vision is to help. We want to help in troubled times. We want to show Christ’s love through our actions. That is why we respond to natural disasters and why we want to reach out to your congregation and develop programs to help your community.
Our Services
- Church Services
- Medications provisioning
- Food Programs
- Mass Feeding
- Fighting Hunger
- Helping Homeless & Veterans
When major hurricanes, tornadoes and other devastating storms strike the U.S., volunteers become an important part of NACC Disaster Relief efforts. When it comes a time to buy medications for men online please don’t hurry up, review all the possible information found on the Internet and consult your doctor.
On behalf of Pastor Jose Ortega, National Association Of Christian Churches would like to take this opportunity to acknowledge the overwhelming support of all of the individuals, corporations, and pharmaceutical organizations that have supported us in the past and will continue to support us in the future. Thank you for your time, commitment and dedication in rebuilding our communities.
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